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Building Trust?

Which ever way, it has to take something to build trust.

There is this particular important item that has not been neglected right from the very beginning of all things; starting from the creation till this day. Without it, there will be no accuracy and quality in anything that is to be done.


Trust, being the ability to rely on someone or something. The attitude of mind for you to rely on someone as an individual, group or organization or for someone to rely on you is based on trust with sincerity.

Every strong relation depends on trust. Every communication is connected to trust. Every home is built on the foundation of trust as one of the tools for home building. Every institution and partnership is related to trust as the prime factor of its establishment. Without trust, the foundation of every relationship, be it in any institute, or different levels of communication, in (courtship, marriage, parents to child, children to parents, between friends and acquaintances) is and will not be stable. That is to say, such standard will be in jeopardy.


The first one is TIME!

Time is that important item!

It takes Time to build trust! It goes through seconds, minutes, hours, days and years to build trust!

Trust does not just happen! It is a process that should be developed, accepted or welcomed.


The time it takes to build trust is not the same time it takes to destroy trust! Never be surprised that it might only take less than this time to betray such a trust. What do I mean by that? It takes a lesser time (than it took to build) to destroy trust.


It begins from nothing, no atom or zeal as to trust, then it starts to increase from a moment of the day to another. Time is given to prove the trust. The originality and authenticity! It starts to grow as GENUINENESS, TRUTHFULNESS, SINCERITY, & FAITHFULNESS comes in place!


As these four (4) major personalities are in place, trust remains. *But as they (these SPIRITS) start to diminish, trust begin to disappear. And if care is not taken, it may return to the starting point which is nothing, that is, loss of zeal; no mind to trust again! At same time never want to trust again increases because, no time will be given to prove or certify such genuineness of the trust.


So, apart from Time, which help to build trust, these spirits (words) increase the stability of trust.


  • Truthfulness: Is paramount, always tell the truth. Maintain the path of the truth. Avoid unnecessary lies that can destroy the trust which is to be built or has been built with time.


  • Sincerity: This very word has been misused. Even when telling lies or doing the wrong thing, some persons declare it as been sincere… at least I have said it as it is! Having in mind to deceive and pretend to be real is absolutely not being sincere first, to yourself and second to another. That is a wrong precept. Be sincere to yourself, parents, relationship, partner (husband or wife), children. Be free from deceit, pretense, or hypocrisy.


  • Genuineness: Either in politics, relationships, marriages et-cetera, being you is vital in all aspects that needs trust. being yourself will definitely help to build trust and maintain it. Do not be or become someone else; that will surely vary from time to time and reduce the trust to zero.


  • Faithfulness: You see, to be faithful is to be trusted. It likewise goes with time. Time indicates the level of one’s faithfulness. It tells how genuine, sincere, and truthful you are so as to guarantee one’s trust (one’s Mind). One who is faithful at all times is to be trusted in all times!


Do not worry if you have loss the trust in any circumstances. There is a hope to having a zeal to trust again.

There is a solution to start afresh. Do not say it is somehow! People will say this and that and so on. What will people think about me right now? It might be difficult but it is achievable. Forget about the outcome of events and begin to be genuine, faithful, sincere and truthful. Then, with time you will trust and be trusted again.


Shalom ❤️Love & peace;

~Simeon Okore


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